Tuesday, January 5, 2016

New Year's Goals

My first goal for this semester is to stay more focused and be on track in class. I will make sure to pay more attention in class and spend more time working and doing projects rather than talking to my peers. In order to achieve this goal I will not talk to my classmates when we are given time to do homework in class. I will also listen more carefully to instructions so that I won't have to ask so many questions later which will further help me be more focused.

My second goal for this semester is to not procrastinate and to go to bed earlier. I will start my homework as soon as I get home and not wait until the last minute to do it. By doing my homework as soon as possible, I will get done faster, and then be able to go to bed earlier. I will also use my time wisely while doing homework and just focus on the one assignment I'm working on rather than watching TV or listening to music at the same time.

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