Sunday, December 6, 2015

DNA Extraction Lab

          In this lab, we asked the question "how can DNA be separated from cheek cells in order to study it?" We found that DNA can be separated from cheek cells in order to study it. The first step of the lab was to scrape the sides of our cheeks with our teeth. We then put a few mL of gatorade in our mouths and then swished it around vigorously. When we swished the gatorade around in our math, we homogenized the cheek cells. We then spit the gatorade back out into our cup and put it in our test tube. After that we added about 10 drops of pineapple juice and soapy water with a pinch of salt. The pineapple juice acted as the enzyme, the soapy water lysed the cell membrane, and the salt was added to make the DNA nonpolar. The salt also facilitated the precipitation. After we added the salt, dish soap, and pineapple juice, we then flipped the test tube upside down about six times. We then let the test tube rest for about five minutes. Last, we added cold alcohol to the test tube, making sure not to mix the alcohol with the mixture. After we added the alcohol, the DNA started to float up into the alcohol. This evidence supports our claim because it shows that the DNA from our cheek cells can be seen using this procedure.
          While our DNA could be extracted from our cheek cells, there could have been errors due to us not scraping our cheeks with our teeth enough and the alcohol mixing with our solution. If we didn't scrape our cheeks enough, then there would have a been a very small amount of DNA or maybe even no DNA to show up doing the experiment. If we mixed the alcohol with our solution then there would not have been enough non polar alcohol to precipitate the DNA. Due to these errors, I would recommend to make sure to scrape the sides of your cheeks thoroughly and to make sure the alcohol is cold and to add it to the mixture at an angle so it doesn't mix as easily.
          This lab was done to demonstrate how DNA can be extracted from our cheek cells. From this lab I learned how DNA could be extracted which helped me understand the concept of DNA replication and the central dogma. Based on my experience from this lab I would apply this to another situation by teaching someone how to extract their own DNA from their cheek cells in order for them to understand the concept of DNA better.

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